Floating Storage

Push barges for your bulk cargo


Quality is our top priority!

All barges are GMP certified and are also regularly inspected by us.

Registration GMP +: PDV103824, valid till 15th September 2019

For the transport of waste we are approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment; VIHB number: ZH516008VXXB

In Belgium we are registered with OVAM under number: 69790

More information

If you’d like more information about the certifications of ARA Bulk?
Please contact us.

Dutch & Belgium seaports

In the main European seaports, you want to work with someone who knows every unloading ramp, every terminal, every tide. That is why you work with Interrijn, from Vlissingen to Amsterdam, Ghent to Antwerp. Read more…

Specialist cargo & certification

Over half a century, Interrijn has built up a lot of experience with bulk cargo. Among other things, cellulose, aluminum and animal feed. We are also GMP certified. Read more…

Our fleet

The average fleet capacity of our barges is approximately 150,000 tons. All our barges are equipped with high-quality sliding hatches that provide perfect protection for valuable cargo.

Our ARA Bulk Fleet 

Floating Storage, the smart port solution

Let us calculate your saving

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Welcome to Interrijn, we are happy to help you. Send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.